desert land

美 [ˈdezərt lænd]英 [ˈdezət lænd]
  • 沙漠地带
desert landdesert land
  1. Desert land stretches eastward across Arabia into Central Asia .


  2. Sekem , an Egyptian food producer , set itself the task of reclaiming desert land through organic farming .


  3. He also wants to use the water to irrigate barren desert land .


  4. The large desert land is waiting for exploration and exploitation .


  5. Discussion on controlling desert land in Maqu County in Gansu Province


  6. Shrub products producing to promote vegetation recover in desert land


  7. Vegetation Restoring of Desert Land in Industrial Mining Area SCRAPPED PRINCESS


  8. This country is largely desert land .


  9. The flat desert land of a cattle station in northwestern australia .


  10. He found him in a desert land , and in the waste howling wilderness .


  11. Warm and dry climate , water level declined , desert land and human activity are the primary reasons of this evolution .


  12. People flocked to see for themselves the marvel of green paddy flourishing on the once barren desert land .


  13. Her landlocked country is a desert land that was once a hub for ancient Saharan caravan routes .


  14. Her towns will be desolate , a dry and desert land , a land where no one lives , through which no man travels .


  15. In contrast , in the outstretched shaft type clutch or brake , magnetic coil and transmission between units have small desert land idle , so demand greater magnetized force .


  16. Due to the unique geographical , geological and climatic conditions , coupled with irrational human economic activities , it is forming a large area of desert land , and with a trend of the spread there .


  17. He found him in a desert land , and in the waste howling wilderness ; he led him about , he instructed him , he kept him as the apple of his eye .


  18. In the cheeky epic " Kin-dza-dza ! " ( 1986 ) , a Muscovite goes out to buy macaroni only to find himself accidentally teleported , alongside a bewildered Georgian student , to a distant desert land .


  19. Irrigation often produces bumper crops from apparently desert land ; the child is seemingly healthy but the doctor is concerned ; had been ostensibly Frank as to his purpose while really concealing it-Thomas hardy ; on the face of it the problem seems minor .


  20. Investigation , Evaluation and Ecological Rehabilitation of Desert Arable Land


  21. The Origination Analysis and Progress of the Rocky Desert of Land in Guangxi


  22. The desertification land area in Inner Mongolia is 26.5 percent of the total land cover . The distribution of desert encroachment land involves 8 Leagues , 4 Municipalities and 76 Banners ( Counties or Districts ) .


  23. The desert is barren land .


  24. By using irrigation , the Israelis have turned parts of the Negev Desert into a land of milk and honey .


  25. The programs for building urban green shelter , afforestation in the remote area , development of ecological agriculture , soil erosion control and desert and barren land reclamation are all well under way .


  26. Rapid expansion of blown-sand disaster in china has been analyzed synthetically in this paper . According to geographical pattern of the desert and sandy land evolution , middle and long-term trend of desertification in Northern China has also been discussed .


  27. Results Directed against the possible injury of the 1st Chinese astronaut during landing , a high quality ICU was moved forward to the desert and grass land area nearly the predicted landing place so as to enhance the possibility of successful rescue and medical treatment .


  28. A desert is a beautiful land of silence and space .


  29. The area of desert and exposed rock land was invariant on the whole .


  30. Zonation of desert and sandy desertification land in North China based on remote sensing technology
